Thursday, October 11, 2012

Freedom, Rights, and our Country

When you look at this flag, what do you see? We were asked a similar question in class the other day. I was surprised to see that not very many people knew what to say and that they had not really considered that question before. I sat there as tons of different answers popped into my head. The American flag isn't just a piece of fabric that we use for the U.S. in events like the Olympics. There is a much deeper meaning to it. The flag represents hardiness, valor, purity, innocence, vigilance, perseverance, and justice. It means freedom, rights, evolution, and advancement. It shows how our states can put differences aside and come together to unite as one. It demonstrates that we don't forget where we came from or how we started. To many others, it says that we have had good times and bad times; and even though we might not have the best economy and things right now, it could still be even worse. I had never really considered how many people have died just to get to where we are today and how many places still don't give their people the freedom to live their lives in comfort. In China, the people can not talk about certain things, learn about some major horrific events that had once taken place there, and are monitored for everything they do with the outside world. We have to be thankful that we do have the freedom to speak our mind, protest and more without being punished or killed over it like some people. So next time you speak your mind in a protest or sign a petition, you should stop and take into consideration how good we have it as United States citizens.

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